Aseltine exists because of the generosity of our incredible donors. There are many ways that you can support our students today:
- Attend Aseltine Events – Show your support by attending an Aseltine fundraiser or a student event like the Festival of the Arts, student-hosted meals and Graduation.
- Connect with us – Like us on Facebook; follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn; sign up for our newsletter so you can get the latest updates on Aseltine activities and share them with your friends.
- Rewards programs – Sign up with eScrip and earn dollars for Aseltine just by shopping or dining at select restaurants and stores or using their online mall.
- Search the web – next time you search the web, use Goodsearch. Aseltine will receive approximately one penny every time you search. You can also earn money for Aseltine with their Goodshop, Gooddining, Goodgames, Goodsurveys – the list goes on!
- Shop or sell online – You can give to Aseltine just by shopping online – at no cost to you! Make your regular Amazon purchases at When you designate Aseltine as your cause, we receive a portion of the sales on eligible items. Post an item for sale on eBay on behalf of Aseltine School (you designate the percentage of the sale Aseltine receives) or buy from sellers supporting the school.
- Wish List—Can you provide any of the items—big or small—that will enhance Aseltine students’ learning experience?
- Become a committee member – Join the Action Committee and help us reach the fundraising, public relations and marketing goals that will build a stable, sustainable future for the school and its students. (Contact Yvonne Bauer: 619-296-2135 x 116 or
- Become an Angel of Aseltine – Join this group of dedicated volunteers and have fun while raising funds for Aseltine students.
- Spread the word – Tell your friends and family about Aseltine’s incredible students; invite them to a school event; bring them for a school tour so they can see the “Aseltine Experience” themselves.
You can also make your donation with a check sent to the school:
Aseltine School
Attn: Development Department
4027 Normal Street
San Diego, CA 92103
Thank you for believing in Aseltine students – your support helps them succeed!