May Padilla earned her undergraduate degrees (Psychology/Social Behavior and Asian American Studies) from the University of California, Irvine before attending graduate school at San Diego State University, where she earned her Education Specialist Credential and her Administrative Credential. Mrs. Padilla began her work in special education in 1998 and has worked in non-public schools since 2002. Since then, she has served students in the field of special education in several capacities: aide, teacher principal and director. In spite of her years of experience, Mrs. Padilla believes learning never ceases and that her most important role is to always remain a student of her field. This philosophy has helped her stay inspired by and passionate about her work every day.
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Mrs. Padilla holds her work with students and their support staff in high regard; the most valuable lessons she has learned about education and life did not come from a book or university but from working in partnership with them. In 2013, Mrs. Padilla was excited to join Aseltine, where she found an amazing community in which she could continue her journey.