Aseltine School Participates in GoFundMe’s #GivingTuesdayNow

To help address the impact that the COVID-19 crisis has had on our school, Aseltine is participating in #GivingTuesdayNow: GoFundMe’s Grant Match Program. The first 300 participating nonprofits to raise $1,000 from at least 10 different online donors will receive a matching $1,000 grant from GoFundMe, doubling the value of every dollar donated!

All funds raised now through May 10 will support three different areas of Aseltine need: (1) Aseltine’s student emergency fund, which makes food and supply deliveries for our most in-need families possible; (2) student access to the technology required for Distance Learning; (3) our incredible staff, who continue to transform the lives of our students during this time of uncertainty.

(1) School Emergency Fund: Many of our students are struggling with the basic needs (food, medical supplies, etc.) that they would usually depend on Aseltine to provide, especially during the week. We have families in critical need of food and basic home supplies on a daily basis. With current events, the financial struggles these families already faced have been exacerbated, especially as family members are let go from the limited income sources that have sustained them in the past.

A portion of donations raised will supply our most in-need families with gift cards to purchase groceries and other basic needs.

(2) Technology Access & Internet Connectivity: With the majority of our students living at or below the poverty line, access to the technology and internet connectivity Distance Learning requires has been a major hurdle. Without access to these required learning tools, providing our students with the special services they require like Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy and Counseling has also proven a challenge.

A portion of funds generated will help support the purchase of Wi-Fi hot spots and Google Chromebooks to provide our most in-need students with the tools they need to participate in this new, remote learning model.

(3) Staff: Aseltine School has had to dip into our very limited reserve funds to support staff salaries during this time of uncertainty – this is not sustainable.

A third segment of funds raised will be used to support our staff who, especially now, work tirelessly to provide our students with the support and tools they need to confront and overcome their obstacles. Staff who have transformed the lives of countless young people by simply taking the time to hear them, making them feel, often for the first time, both valued and valuable.

It is because of generous donations from our community that we are able to offer students even a small amount of comfort during these uncertain times. We look forward to the student successes that will stem from the generosity of those who are able to support our campaign, and we are so grateful for this new opportunity to connect with (and, grow!) our community.

To donate to our school’s initiative, please visit, and thank you for considering supporting Aseltine. Our work is not possible without the many efforts you, our community, make to help our students thrive, and together, we will get through this.

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