Johnny Blais was an adventurous spirit, avid athlete, and an unforgettable teacher in the halls of Aseltine who became known, fondly, as “The Blazeman”. Johnny’s connection with students stemmed beyond the classroom, and he believed that an active lifestyle could help students develop coping skills 
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Oscar had a difficult time respecting the personal space and boundaries of his peers at his previous charter school. Oscar has always been a very bright young man, but, socially, Oscar struggled to understand how to interact with others, which manifested itself into disruptive behaviors 
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I put a lot of time and research into visiting different non-public school options across San Diego county for my son, Andre. When we visited Aseltine, Andre was invited to play basketball on the front court of the school with a member of the staff 
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Lee arrived to Aseltine in his sixth-grade year, behind academically, reserved, and with a history of physical and verbal aggression. Further, Lee acted on his need to maintain control of every situation and had a tendency to self-sabotage, which did not often end in his 
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Ricardo had a history of frequent, violent outbursts triggered by no apparent cause: hitting, kicking, throwing classroom items, and running away from staff and peers. His public school no longer felt they knew how to serve his needs. Arriving at Aseltine as a sixth-grader, Ricardo 
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